Posts tagged goals
Energize Your 2024!

Energize Your 2024!

Happy New Year!

I love turning over a new page in the year. Starting fresh with a new set of intentions, hopeful for a year filled with love, growth, abundance and change. I’m not sure why we need to do that on January 1st, but it is a day filled with optimism for what the future holds. I usually spend the first day of January journaling, setting intentions and planning out my year. Breaking my goals into categories of personal, professional, financial, spiritual, and physical, is helpful in personalizing each area of my life.

This year a word kept coming up for me. It seemed like everyday I was being reminded to focus on my ENERGY. It makes sense as everything is made up of energy, and we attract what our energy aligns with. Our lives are a direct reflection of what's going on in our mind, body and soul. Look around you and that will tell you where you are energetically. What I realized is that by focusing on my energy, aligning it with the way I want to FEEL in 2024 and putting ACTION behind all of that, I could create a much better outcome for my year.

So, you might be asking how does one clear up and raise their energy? I asked myself the same thing. I made a list of things in my journal that work for me that I’ll share here:

Clean eating, healthy, organic vegetables, fruit, lean meat Less alcohol (starting with dry January)
Lots of clean water daily
Living authentically

Clear boundaries
Daily exercise
Daily meditation
Grounding (getting my feet in the sand/earth) Living in gratitude

Noticing my thoughts & doing mindset work Speaking my affirmations daily
Spending time in nature

Giving and receiving love
Quality time with family
Quality time with people that love, support and inspire me Sharing my gifts freely
Being of service to others
Loving all of myself
Good self care
Taking my supplements daily
Keeping my work/home space clean and clear
Staying away from negative television, social media and people

I know this is a big list and I won't be doing them all daily, but I will be more mindful of all of them. Most of these are core beliefs I already live by that I will try to improve upon as well as remove the things that don't support me. That's step 1, being aware of your ENERGY.

Step 2 is how do I want to FEEL? When I’m doing most of the things on that list my energy is high, I feel happy, peaceful, inspired, excited, optimistic, healthy, on purpose, grateful, abundant, unstoppable, name a few. That vibe you put out when you're feeling good is so magnetic! You know the one I’m talking about!

There are multiple ways I work with my coaching clients on this part but one of them is to utilize guided meditations that I provide them with and use myself. This can help you to conjure up the way you want to feel. You can also conjure up feelings of fear, lack and anger but that's another newsletter. Let me give you an analogy. There are 2 types of rollercoasters in the world, one is on tracks and moves through all the sharp turns, highs, lows, flips, high speeds and makes you feel all of the adrenaline, fear, excitement that goes with that. The second type of coaster is a simulator and you're watching it on a screen in a fairly stationary position, but you still feel all of the adrenaline, fear and excitement because your body doesn't know the difference. We do this exact thing in our lives. Mind blown! So what are you simulating in your life?

Step 3 is ACTION! This is where we create a plan of action for your year. It doesn't happen by accident, friends. That's the good news and the bad news. We actually get to create this amazing beautiful life we live. I’m not saying “perfect” and I’m not saying there won't be challenges but we do get to

decide which path we choose, our energy, how we feel and how much effort we’re willing to put behind it. Picture 2024 where your alignment is in flow and you allow life to deliver so many blessings. Memorize how it feels to be energetically in a higher vibration. Your year will reflect what you are available to receive.

Thank you for giving me a space to share my thoughts and reflections with you. If any of this landed for you and you’d like support in creating a year that is filled with ease, peace, love and abundance, then reach out to me here:
We can schedule a complimentary discovery call to see if we’re a good fit.
I would love to work beside you on this grand adventure called LIFE.

Much love and blessings to you all, Xo



Living an Extraordinary Life

We are well on our way into a new year and I’m asking myself and my coaching clients two questions:

“How will you make this year different from last year?” 

“What would make 2023 an extraordinary year for you?”

Great questions to sit with for a while or possibly you’ve got the year all mapped out, goals set and are well on your way to creating an extraordinary year!  Congratulations!!

If not, and you’re still wondering how to conquer the drudgery of eat, sleep, work, pay bills, rinse & repeat, then I may have a solution for you…

Many of you know that I have lived and traveled to Bali for many years. It is one of my most favorite places in the world for many reasons.  All of which I would love to share with you!

I originally went to Thailand and Bali, alone, searching for a shift in my life. I could no longer live another 365 days the same as the last 365 days.  My internal being needed to heal, grow, expand and experience new things. It took me almost 2 years to create my new reality and I must say Bali delivered on all of it!  To be immersed in the healing capital of Bali was such a gift and completely changed my life for the better. I searched out the best healers, spa’s, restaurants, places to visit and all of the secret spots that the locals were willing to share with me.  I healed, grew as a person, expanded my career, released old patterns, found pure joy in every day and made lifelong friends from around the world.  I also experienced what I would call “freedom”.  Freedom from fear of change.  Whew, that's a big one!  It's like anything else, once you’ve done it, you know you can do it again…and so the next journey began.

I have always had a passion for empowering others, probably because so many have done the same for me along the way.  That desire led me to many amazing opportunities in my life but coaching and hosting women’s retreats in Bali has been the culmination of the last 40 years of my career and personal growth work. I also had many friends that wanted to travel but had a fear of traveling alone or were just frightened of traveling so far.  I really felt called to curate a trip to Bali that would offer these highly successful and overworked women a safe way to visit a drastically different culture, to do some deep self care and healing, if needed. 

I truly believe we need this type of connection now more than ever!!  Women coming together in a non competitive setting, supporting each other and understanding that we are all suffering through most of the same things and I’m not just talking about hot flashes here.  Just to be clear this retreat is not about you quitting your job and moving to Bali. (unless that's your dream, then let’s talk!) 

It’s about so much more…

How would you feel knowing you could have this once in a lifetime experience without having to do all the planning and work?  That once you land in Bali your personal well being is our only job.  Every little detail has been taken care of to ensure you can completely relax into your luxurious environment, feeling safe, nurtured, refreshed and renewed. YOU deserve to be taken care of and will be a happier and more productive person by doing so.  It’s finally your turn!  

I could go on and on but I think my Bali Retreat page can help paint a picture in your mind as to the magic that this retreat has to offer you. You can visit my page and share with your friends and family so that they can share in the magic too!  You never know who needs this and how deeply it will impact them.  Here’s the link:

That is also my coaching page if you would like support in creating an extraordinary 2023!

My IG has tons of Bali & other travel photos @BaliGirl Retreats

Let's make some magic together in 2023!

In gratitude,


What if...

Ahh February...the holidays are done and stored away till next year, 2020 goals are pushed aside for future consideration and we’re back to our usual routine.  I don’t know about you but I have found myself a bit lost this February. Not feeling incredibly creative or inspired and honestly a bit upset with myself for feeling this way.  Afterall, I am a Life Coach and I help people create their dream lives so shouldn’t I be inspired and motivated all the time?!

Have you ever felt this way?  I’ve come to realize that we ALL feel this way from time to time and sometimes we even allow ourselves to sit with it for awhile. Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not saying unpack and move in to this place but rest your weary mind for a moment, check in to see what you’re really feeling and what you really need. Nourish yourself with some quiet time, meditation, nature and exercise...let the answers come in those quiet moments.  Ask yourself the bigger questions. Where do I find true joy? What impact do I want to have in the world? What will I regret at the end of my life if I don’t do it? What am I grateful for? One thing I know for sure is that if you ask the right questions the answers will always reveal themselves.

 I guess my point is maybe it’s not always about the big goals in life but about the things that make our hearts sing and leave a lasting impression on the ones we love and our mother earth.  What if we just play this life full out, hearts wide open, wild hair in the wind, laughing and dancing to our own crazy beat while we chase those dreams we’ve had tucked away for far too long?  What if...

 If you’ve found yourself feeling a bit lost, uninspired or just plain ready for a change I have a couple spots open for 1:1 coaching where we can explore the bigger questions, the possibilities and the action needed to get you on your way to living a kickass life! 



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