Posts tagged transformation
Making 2024 Your Best Year Ever!

Greetings my friends,

As we approach the end of another transformative year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our journey and set our intentions for the coming year.  The new year invites us to step into our full potential and create a life full of meaning and service.  As we prepare to welcome 2024, let’s embark on this journey together with open hearts and a shared commitment to healing, connection, and transformation.

As I reflect back on 2023 I am grateful for the challenges and the triumphs. I made some big strides this past year and I’m proud of myself for taking the leap to grow, not only personally, but my coaching practice and retreat company too. I started working with a coach again this year, which has helped me tremendously.  I have stepped way out of my comfort zone and taken some pretty big risks. Whew!!  I certainly can't encourage you to do things that I wouldn't do!  

I usually host 1 retreat in Bali, but this year I hosted 2, which was definitely a big leap of faith.  I am so grateful to have had 16 amazing women beside me on that healing journey.  We all connected on such a deep level and remain a great support system for each other.  I offered complimentary coaching at the retreats to help the guests process and gain clarity around what was coming up for them.  I also created a follow up support program for guests after they go home and I’m so pleased to see the results the ladies are experiencing as we continue the coaching process!  Being able to purchase sessions one at a time as needed has made the process much easier and very affordable for my (past or future) retreat guests.

I also launched and filled 3 new retreats for 2024!  Expanding into Italy next year, returning to Bali and looking into a more compact wellness retreat in Mexico.  Stay tuned for those details!

I am fully stepping into my gifts this next year so that I can in turn bring so much more value and service to you! I’m saying this here so you can hold me to it!

I also spent 4 months in Bali and the surrounding islands, traveling solo, and with friends. I focused deeper on my morning practice of meditation, journaling and exercise, which in turn helped me to calm my nervous system, sleep better and feel amazing!  I read at least 12 books and listened to hundreds of podcasts, all to benefit my knowledge base around coaching, health and creating life changing international retreats.  I am doing the work with you my friend!  We are all a beautiful work in progress and perfectly imperfect as we are!

I’m curious how you would like 2024 to look for you?  If it were to be your best year so far what story would you be telling friends and family at the end of next year?  I’d love to dive into that with you and peel back the layers to reveal your biggest dreams and help you to navigate a course to creating THAT life!  We do get to curate this life, it doesn't just happen by luck or happenstance… I’m ready, are you? Click the link for your complimentary discovery call. Coaching Discovery Call

I wish you a holiday season filled with so much love, laughter, family, friends and abundant blessings!  Don't forget to kiss someone special under the mistletoe too!

In gratitude always,


Coaching & Retreat Info Here

 Embrace Transformation this Fall - A Message from Cheryl

Hello, dear friends,

The last two months in Bali have been truly enchanting. However, it's challenging to convey the sheer magic of this place in words. But if you know me, you're aware that I'm rarely at a loss for words! When I'm passionate about something, I can't help but gush. It's evident that my heart is overflowing with enthusiasm for the captivating island of Bali and, even more so, for my mission of uniting women to heal, grow, and connect.

There's something truly extraordinary that happens when women come together in a safe space to open up, share, release, reset, and nourish their minds and bodies. The transformation that unfolds is nothing short of spectacular.

Lately, I've observed something interesting that I believe might resonate with some of you. Let me ask you a question: What are you saying 'yes' to when you really want to say 'no'? How often are you putting aside your own needs to please someone else? How do you feel when you say 'yes' to something that isn't in alignment with your truth?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not suggesting we shouldn't help others or do things that are occasionally inconvenient. However, it's essential to establish healthy boundaries for yourself. Neglecting your own needs can lead to resentment, unhappiness, and weak boundaries.

It's worth pondering. If you're questioning something, take a few moments to breathe, tune into your body, and ask yourself, "What do I need at this moment?" Listen to your body; it always tells the truth. The mind may create stories, but the body never lies.

As the weather changes and the leaves begin their descent, we, too, undergo inner changes. We let go of what no longer serves us, shedding old beliefs and stories that don't support us in creating and living an extraordinary life. You deserve that, and anything is possible. My story is a living example of that, and I'm grateful and excited to help others create their own best lives.

If you're seeking support for your Fall clean-up, I have a few openings for 1:1 coaching. I offer sessions one at a time, so you can progress at your own pace and within your budget (no need to purchase a package of sessions!). As a token of gratitude for past clients and retreat guests, I have a special offer just for you!

Feel free to reach out for details and available appointment times. Click on the link to schedule a call.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

With love and light,
